We believe in the truth of the Gospels. We believe that all Scripture is the inspired Word of God and is not to be construed as merely “suggestions.” We accept that to claim this faith means that sometimes we must be prepared for God to answer our prayers with “No.”
Even still, we acknowledge that none among us can ever fully match the example of perfection shown by Jesus Christ, yet we know that there is great joy found in striving toward it, nonetheless. Jesus died and rose again to rescue us from our sinful choices. He is the Good Shepherd, tending to His wayward flock. We love Him because He first loved us.
We get it. We really do. Too many churches today are failing to practice what they preach. They regularly change their beliefs to conform to popular culture instead of living by long-accepted teachings of Scripture. It’s no wonder that people have lost trust in “organized” religion. We’re different because we mean what we say and are held accountable for living into it. Come and experience it for yourself.