
There is rarely, if ever, a good time to launch a church. Whether it was Jesus’ disciples planting the earliest churches in the first and second centuries; the early missionaries who took the faith to Africa, Asia, and northern Europe; or our own Methodists ancestors of the past few centuries who planted churches all around the world; they all faced great obstacles.

Likewise, we believe God has called the Global Methodist Church into existence in hard times. A pandemic, a brutal war in Europe, inflation, and shortages of food and energy threaten people all around the world. As governments try to respond to these challenges, uncertainty and fear are widespread. Christians expect hard times. And yet we live by faith and hope, knowing the light of Christ shines in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it. So, whether we live in Africa, Europe-Eurasia, the Philippines, the United States, or other lands all around the world, we know we must move forward in faith as our ancestors did before us. With Christ before us, beside us, and behind us, we accept that these are our times, our challenges, our trials – and our opportunity to contend for the faith! We are called to bear witness to the grace and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so people lost in the darkness might come to see the light.

In these early days of the Global Methodist Church, let us do all we can to foster Christian connection among our local churches for the sake of the Gospel. Let us support one another. Pray for another. And upbuild one another in the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.

The Global Methodist Church